Thursday, November 4, 2010

How To Make Your Own Promise Box

Years ago, my sister and I made gold sparkly promise boxes. When we did our devotions and found a promise of God in scripture, we'd take an index card write down the verse and put it in our promise box. When I went through a hard time and needed some encouragement I'd pull out the gold sparkly promise box to remind me of the precious promises of God.  Even to this day, those promises of God have stuck in my head.  When I pray, I pray those promises of God and watch Him faithfully answer them.  Making a promise box provides a fun way to collect and memorize the promises of God while instilling in our heart and minds the truth and power of God's promised Words.

How To Make Your Own Promise Box
1. Find or Purchase a small box that could hold index cards.  I think I found mine at the Dollar Tree for only a buck! If you're creative, you could go to a craft store and buy an unfinished box to decorate your promise box with your own personal touch.  You can also purchase plastic boxes that hold index cards at Walmart or find a cute recipe box for your promise box.

2. Decorate your promise box if you need too. You can use markers, crayons, stickers to decorate your promise box.  You can use your computer to make up your own stickers for your promise box.  The creative ideas are endless.

3. Buy index cards and place them in your promise box.  You can use white ones or colored ones.  Colored ones make it more fun!

4. Organize the index cards in your promise box. You can organize your promise box by scripture references or by categories such as: Need Direction, Feel Lonely, Need Victory Over Sin... etc. If you don't know of any categories just yet, don't worry you can add them as you add God's promises to your promise box.

5. Begin writing the promises of God on your index cards!  If you are going through a hard time and God gives you a promise to stand on be sure to add it to your promise box and on the back of the index card write a short testimony about your personal experience with God and then if you want, please share it with us!!!!!  Let us encourage one another in the Lord!!!

Making Promise Box That Can Impact Lives Forever
  • For family devotions let everyone make their own promise box and then continue to share the promises of God that are added to them.  Encourage every family member to pray the promises of God.
  • For a VBS craft consider making the project a promise box.  Let each child design their own with stickers, crayons, and markers.  Let the children  know how much God loves them and how much we can rely on the promises of God even when everyone around us may let us down at one time or another.
  • For a Sunday School project. Have a lesson on the promises of God.  Perhaps, Noah would be a great lesson to do this with.  Talk about the promises of God and share with them that God will faithfully keep His promises. 

Discouraged? Lonely? Depressed? Need Direction or Healing?

Join me at this "Claiming Promises" blog regularly by subscribing your e-box here. Let's encourage each other by claiming the promises of God and see His Word bring light and life to our daily lives. By claiming the promises of God together, we can renew our minds and hearts to receive the abundant life God has promised.

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